The Importance of Accreditation and Proficiency Testing

The Importance of Accreditation and Proficiency Testing

The ISO/IEC 17025 standard sets out the general requirements for the technical competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This standard ensures that accredited laboratories operate impartially and reliably, following consistent procedures that guarantee the accuracy and validity of the results obtained. A key aspect of complying with this standard includes participation in Proficiency Testing, which allows laboratories to assess their performance against external standards. Accreditation under this standard aims to ensure that laboratories not only meet the minimum established requirements but also promote a culture of continuous improvement and process review.

One of the pillars of the standard is participation in proficiency testing, also known as interlaboratory comparisons or ring trials. These tests allow laboratories to demonstrate that their results are accurate and internationally comparable. In fact, participation in these programs is not only recommended but also a key requirement for maintaining accreditation. In the field of disinfectant and antiseptic testing, participation in these exercises is essential to ensure the quality and efficacy of the products evaluated.

Furthermore, es imperative the participation by accredited provider under ISO/IEC 17043 to guarantee the quality and reliability of the results. @SHAPYPRO is the only one proficiency testing provider accredited over the world.

Download our scope accreditation here

Intercomparison Programs

Intercomparison programs, including ring trials, are exercises that assess the technical competence of laboratories by comparing results obtained by different laboratories under controlled conditions. The main objective of these programs is to detect systematic errors or biases that may compromise the validity of results. These programs provide an independent external evaluation of laboratory performance, offering an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and apply corrective measures. This not only improves the accuracy of results but also enhances the laboratory’s reliability and reputation, ensuring that it operates under internationally recognized standards.

Participation in these tests is essential to ensure that laboratories keep their processes under control and meet the requirements set by ISO/IEC 17025. Proficiency tests can take different forms, such as interlaboratory comparisons, where exercises are organized between two or more laboratories, or tests conducted by accredited providers offering standardized evaluations to measure performance. Moreover, in cases where no programs are available for a specific area, internal proficiency tests can be organized, or alternatives sought to validate the laboratory’s technical competence.

Proficiency Testing Participation Frequency

Additionally, laboratories should plan to have intercompared all the tests described in their accreditation scope at least once every five years.

Our intercomparison program is designed to cover a five-year horizon and spans various areas of disinfectants and antiseptics in medical, veterinary, and industrial fields. This allows laboratories the opportunity to demonstrate their technical competence in practical and real-world scenarios, adapting to evolving international demands. The schedule outlines the tests and standards that will be conducted over the next five years to evaluate different types of biocidal activity (bactericidal, fungicidal and yeasticidal, virucidal, and sporicidal). Each standard is classified by its area of application and specifies the test organism to be used in the test.

The Importance of Accreditation and Proficiency Testing

In addition, our programs involve the participation of international laboratories from across Europe, South Africa, and Asia. This global reach enables broad comparison and fosters continuous improvement in testing standards, leading to greater confidence in the results and more robust validation of the methods used.

Our schedule is structured to ensure that participating laboratories meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, fulfilling their technical competence while respecting the frequency of intercomparison. Besides offering an opportunity for improvement, participation in these tests allows laboratories to accredit their technical competence and adjust their testing methods according to global market needs.

Benefits of Participation in Proficiency Tests

Benefits of Participation in Proficiency Tests

Systematic participation in intercomparison programs offers multiple benefits, both technical and strategic, for laboratories:

  1. Continuous Improvement: Participation in these tests allows laboratories to detect failures or inconsistencies in their procedures and adjust their methods to optimize the accuracy and reproducibility of results. This is essential to ensure that laboratories do not operate with biases or systematic errors that could affect test quality.
  2. Access to Updated Knowledge: Interaction with other laboratories and sector experts facilitates access to emerging technologies and best practices. Additionally, intercomparison programs often provide detailed reports that allow laboratories to compare their results with those of other participants and learn from the methods used by better-performing laboratories.
  3. Customer Confidence: Regular participation in these tests ensures that the results issued by the laboratory are internationally valid, strengthening its market reputation. The ability to demonstrate that the testing methods used are comparable and reliable increases customer confidence and reinforces the laboratory’s competitive position.
  4. Regulatory Compliance: Proficiency tests help laboratories meet the requirements set by accreditation bodies and current regulations, maintaining laboratory accreditation. The ISO/IEC 17025 standard requires periodic participation in these programs as a means of quality assurance, and non-compliance can result in the loss of accreditation.

To maximize the benefits of these programs, laboratories are encouraged to take a proactive approach. This includes continuous review of methods and results, as well as the implementation of corrective actions when necessary. The ISO/IEC 17025 standard states that laboratories must maintain detailed records of their participation in proficiency tests, including the results obtained and corrective actions implemented.

In some specific areas, the availability of proficiency testing programs may be limited. However, laboratories can overcome this challenge by organizing internal intercomparisons or participating in exercises developed for specific purposes, such as method validation or comparing results between laboratories. Additionally, it is crucial that laboratories select accredited providers that follow the criteria of the ISO/IEC 17043 standard to ensure that the items used in the tests are homogeneous and suitable for testing.

Regular participation in proficiency testing should be seen as an investment in the laboratory’s quality and competitiveness. In the long term, laboratories that systematically participate in these programs not only meet regulatory requirements but also enhance their technical capacity and recognition in the international market.

In summary, our international proficiency testing program offers laboratories a unique opportunity to demonstrate their technical competence and meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. We invite accredited laboratories, or those in the process of accreditation in the field of disinfectants and antiseptics, to join this program, which ensures continuous improvement of testing methods under international standards. For more information or to register for the program, please do not hesitate to contact us. It will be a pleasure to collaborate in strengthening your laboratory’s quality and technical competence.

Why Choose SHAPYPRO Proficiency Tests?

With over 10 years of experience in evaluating the efficacy of disinfectant products, we offer proficiency testing programs meeting ISO/IEC 17043 requirements in accordance with  EN 14885:2022/AC:2023 standards.

SHAPYPRO is the only proficiency testing provider accredited by ISO/IEC17043. Clic a descargar la acreditación

Our extensive knowledge allows us to assist clients in developing new methods and R&D projects. We have developed proficiency testing programs under EN 1656:2019, EN 1276:2019, and EN 13727:2012+A2:2015 standards previously.

We are manufacturers of the necessary diluted soft soap for both developments. We offer custom proficiency testing.

The tests are conducted following validated international standards and guidelines.

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