Proficiency Testing Trials schemes on antiseptic and chemical disinfectants 2022 are already here!

Proficiency Testing Trials schemes on antiseptic and chemical disinfectants 2022 are already here!

Shapypro aims to be your reliable provider for the Proficiency Testing Programs 🤝

For this reason, we would like to inform you about our plans. We want to offer regular schemes yearly, according to the following table.

The objective is to carry out all standards presented in the table or at least the most demanded over the next five years 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️✔

In this manner, all of our accredited clients will be able to demonstrate their full scope technical competence in chemical disinfectants and antiseptics as required by the accreditation under the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

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